Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A few things:

1. I think someone sabotaged my caffiene-free streak yesterday by giving me caffienated coffee. Except, I didn't buy coffee yesterday - I just drank some at the office - so maybe I did it to myself? Did I accidentallly make regular coffee? I don't know. Anyway, I stayed up until 11 last night and then had to force myself to go to sleep because I wasn't even tired (because I was on a Chase Utley high, maybe? (when did I start watching baseball?)), and then I woke up at 6 this morning, and was so eager to go for a run! FYI - I never run in the mornings because I don't like waking up insanely early. Also, it's cold here in the mornings. But, daylight savings time has messed up my life, because I came home from work last night, changed, and went for a run immediately - and it was already totally dark outside by the time I got back home (before 6). I even did most of my run at the nearby high school track, which was lit, because I thought that it was safer than running the terrifying streets of Glen Ellyn. So, the whole after-work-running thing can't go on much longer, sadly. Anyway, November morning runs are COLD. Note to self: don't wear shorts next time.

2. I just got an email titled "The Health Consequences of Sitting All Day." As I'm about to start my full day of sitting at my desk... darn these health emails I've foolishly signed up for! Anyway, I'm scanning the article, and it says the #1 consequence of sitting at a desk all day is buttock weakness. The best way to counteract that is to do "bridge" exercises. And also to not have a desk job, I guess? But, you need a job to have health insurance so that you can go to the doctor for your buttocks weakness problems. So, I don't know - there are no easy answers, I suppose. Anyway, sitting all day = buttocks weakness = do some bridge exercises at home. That's your fun fact of the day.

3. I will be conducting quasi-interviews via email with Abbey and Hayley in the near future, so if you have any questions for them about their involvment in their initiatives in Kenya (or their personal lives, likes/dislikes, favorite movies), please pass them along! You can also email me at laurenehaney@gmail.com. I am also on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, FYI.

That is all. Happy Tuesday!

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